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Hi there, I’m Clair!

I’m passionate about making the most out of this life by focusing on what is truly important to me and working every day to become a better human.

I created this space as a means to share ideas, strategies, and tips for all things personal development and to find a community of like-minded individuals.

I believe we all have the potential to create a life we can’t wait to wake up to every day if we implement a few key practices into our daily lives.

If we always show up for ourselves and choose to live intentionally each day, anything is possible.

clair atmospheric intention

Just when I thought I had life figured out…

I became passionate about personal growth and being more intentional about creating a meaningful life after reaching a crossroads in my life in which I felt incredibly stuck.
I was living in my dream state of Colorado and I had done everything I was “supposed” to do – invested a lot of time, money, and energy into two degrees and a CPA license, landed a job at a prestigious firm, all while trying to keep up with a social life and too many hobbies to count to become a “well-rounded” person.
Day by day, though, I continually heard a nagging voice in my head that told me I didn’t belong. I couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t what I wanted for my life. I felt like I was just going through the motions to build what my parents or my peers would view as a successful life.

Maybe you’ve felt the same way?

Most of all, I started evaluating all of the things that brought meaning to my life. I wondered where I’d be if I had been more conscious with my time and energy over the past 10 years; if I was being honest with myself, I spent way too much time recovering from hangovers, watching Netflix, and scrolling through social media.
I knew something needed to change when I had multiple mental breakdowns during a several month period where I was working 70-90 hours a week doing something that brought me absolutely no joy or sense of accomplishment.
I told myself that no job was worth completely sacrificing my mental and physical health for multiple months every year. So, I started the job search and changed my perspective. I promised myself that I would start living life with more intention.
It’s impossible to fully describe what this shift in perspective has given me. It has opened my mind to the possibility that we can create the life we want if only we have the courage to give 100% of ourselves to the things and people that we value most.

In 2023 you can find me…

» Practicing handstands on the daily

» Finishing my 200 hour yoga teacher training

» Learning about mindfulness, breathwork, and meditation

» Snowboarding

» Climbing all of the rocks

» Reading about growth, mindset, and productivity

» Building meaningful connections

mountains handstand

What intention means to me

Living every day on purpose, practicing gratitude, and spending my time and energy on what brings meaning to my life

I am happiest when…

Spending all day outside. Can’t beat climbing, snowboarding, hiking, or paddleboarding in the Colorado sunshine!

What I value most

Connections with others, movement, mindfulness, nutrition, sleep, learning & adventure

What intention means to me

Living every day on purpose, practicing gratitude, and spending my time and energy on what brings meaning to my life

I am happiest when…

Spending all day outside. Can’t beat climbing, snowboarding, hiking, or paddleboarding in the Colorado sunshine!

What I value most

Connections with others, movement, mindfulness, nutrition, & adventure

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playing with cat
oscar wilde quote
clair cat